Saturday, December 16, 2006

Monday, August 21, 2006 Letters continue

My letter to Sherap:


美琪[translation]I will ask my friend to call you before he transfer the money to you.Still not sure about the November visit plan, will update you when the time my time is a bit tight.well, you should also work hard!Don't get punished by the monastery!Maggie


Sherap's reply:好的,谢谢您美其姐,我会努力学习的您放心吧,我收后我要回家看看学校,爸说窗和门都做好了我要过去看看.下个7月分在寺里开始学些东西.保重;西珠

[translation]Sure, thanks Maggie, don't you worry, I will work hard. After I receive the money, I will need to go home to see the school. Dad said the window and the doors are all made. I need to go back and have a look. Next month (7th month under lunar calendar) there are some new learning in the monastery.Take careSherap

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