Saturday, December 16, 2006

December Updates

Sherap has just come back from a 2 weeks visit of his home and the grassland school.
I have just talked to him on the phone.

The class is up and running and everything is going smooth at this stage.

Both Chinese and Tibetan class are being taught and the children (I should say "students") are all enjoying their class, as well as the new school room. Some of them can concentrate better and eager to learn, while some of them are still learning to concentrate at class.

Sherap has bought some badmonton bats and gloves for the children.

The next construction phase won't start until next summer. This will include a basketball ring.

I have told Sherap the next stage, what people like us in overseas can do is start gathering some old or new picture books (english or chinese). This can help them to start a small book corner (mini library) later. Later this is can be done by either sending the books to sherap's address at labrang monastery or getting someone to bring them over if chances are there.

So please starts checking your book shelves! anyway it's the end of the year, I should do that soon too!

Also welcome any idea or comment!

(p.s: The prime concern is also let the school run by itself and friends from overseas won't intervene too much.)

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